Hill and Smith have developed a durable portable steel traffic barrier that offers the road construction industry a revolutionary temporary barrier solution that provides superior protection to drivers as well as road and construction crews.
- Zoneguard™ length, 12m per panel
- Zoneguard™ is a cost effective alternative to the traditional concrete barriers
- Zoneguard™ lightweight configuration allows 180m (3 units high) to be hauled on one truck and installed approximately 300m an hour
- It is tested to MASH TL-3 & TL-4 making it the most extensively tested and cost efficient portable protection system available in Australia
- Zoneguard™ rigid-cross section and low centre of gravity enables deflections which are comparable heavier temporary concrete barrier alternatives
- Zoneguard™ offers maximum safety standards, while ensuring cost effective and efficient protective barriers
- Can be installed for standard deflection or minimum deflection requirements into both asphalt and concrete surfaces