Safety Signage is employed in the workplace to ensure the safety of workers and visitors, enabling them to move around the workplace independently and safely. Australia has several different standards that apply to the manufacture and installation of occupational safety signage. These regulations are divided into several different sections, including regulatory, hazard, emergency information and fire safety signs.
AS 1319
Safety Signs for the Occupational Environment
Australian Standard AS 1319 sets out requirements for the design and use of safety signs intended for use in the occupational environment to regulate and control safety related behaviour, warn of hazards and to provide emergency information including fire protection information.
Standards Australia AS 1319 Safety Signs for the Occupational Environment - SAI Global.
AS 2293.1
Emergency Escape Lighting and Exit Signs for Buildings Part 1: System Design, Installation & Operation
Australian Standard AS 2293.1 stipulates the requirements for the design and installation of emergency escape lighting and illuminated emergency exit signage systems for buildings.
Standards Australia AS 2293.1 Emergency Escape Lighting and Exit Signs for Buildings Part 1: System Design, Installation and Operation - SAI Global.
Regulatory Safety Signage
Mandatory Signage
Mandatory signs indicate that an instruction must be fulfilled. Symbols are illustrated in white on a blue circular background; signage text is black on a white background.
Prohibition Signage
Prohibition signage specifies behaviour or actions which are not permitted. The red circle border and slash is illustrated in red placed over the black action symbol, signage text is black on a white background.
Hazard Safety Signage
Danger Signage
Danger signs warn of a potential hazard or a hazardous condition that is possibly life threatening. The text Danger is illustrated inside a red oval which in encased in a black rectangle with black text underneath.
Warning Signage
Warning signs warn of a potential hazard or a hazardous condition that is possibly life threatening. The hazard symbol is illustrated in black encased in a triangle on a yellow background with black text underneath.
Emergency Information & Fire Safety Signage
Emergency Information Signage
Emergency information signs inform or give directions to emergency exits, emergency/first aid facilities or equipment. Signage is green with white symbols and/or text.
Fire Signage
Fire signage indicates location of fire-fighting equipment and alarms. Signage is red with white symbols and/or text.