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First Aid Equipment at RSEA Safety Online - The Safety Experts
A safe workplace must consist of first aid equipment. No matter how safe you think you are, accidents can always happen. We can assist by providing new solutions, or refills for existing first aid kits and accessories. You will always find the right first aid solutions at RSEA Safety Online with our variety of solutions including first aid kits, hand sanitiser, snake bit kits, eye irrigation, wash stations, bandages, antiseptic spray, sharps containers & more, and all from the brands you trust like Brenniston, Germbuster™ and Trafalgar.
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65012 CARDEF Wall Mount Cabinet with Strobe and Alarm
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65008 CARDEF PA-1 Fully Automated Ext Defibrillator
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670123 Trafalgar 1.4L Sharps Container 37822
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741001 Uniprint Take 5 Safety Book T5
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780508 UNI-T Non-Contact Digital Infrared Thermometer UT305R
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65010 CARDEF Soft Carrying Case for FRED PA-1 AED
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65011 CARDEF Ready Kit
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65015 CARDEF Wall Mount for FRED PA-1 AED
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65018 CARDEF AED Wall Mount Storage Cabinet with Alarm & Key
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670011 First Aider's Choice™ Sharps Clean Up Kit 30042
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